What to expect?
- All of your regular school rules apply at the Palisades and respectful conduct is required.
- You will be active all day.
- You will be working in groups of 10-20 for much of the time.
- You will spend most time outside.
- You will be responsible for all of you own food while staying here.
- NOTE: All bedding and towels are provided!
Wildlife Safety
- Be prepared: While on site, you may encounter wildlife.
- Review this link so you know what to do: https://www.pc.gc.ca/en/pn-np/ab/jasper/securite-safety/faune-wildlife
- Garbage: Please do not litter or leave empty drink containers or dishes around the grounds; the smell attracts bears.
- Bear-proof garbage bins are located by the Bunkhouse and the Bullpen.
- The water is safe to drink and tested daily.
- Please bring reusable water bottles.
- Please do not bring single use water bottles.
- Bring your own snacks, marshmallows, etc
- Snacks are not to be stored in rooms. There is communal storage in the Den and Bunkhouse.
- Free WiFi is available on the Palisades network, and no password is required.
- WiFi is not available in all locations; the best places are in the Den, the Barn and the Garage.
- Please drop off your luggage to your room, then park outside the main gate.
- The Palisades roads are narrow and emergency vehicles need access in case of fire or medical emergencies.
Fire Pits
- Guests are welcome to enjoy a small fire in the fire pits.
- Please remove all food, dishes, cans and bottles.
- Before leaving the fire pit, be sure the fire is completely extinguished. Full water buckets or a hose should be available at the fire pit at all times.
- Recommended smoking areas are on the lawn between the Saddleshop and Bunkhouse, or at the fire pits.
- Please dispose of cigarette butts in the smoking stands located by the buildings.
- Please do not smoke within 5 metres (15 feet) of doorways or windows, and smoking inside buildings is prohibited.
- Consuming cannabis or cannabis products is prohibited within the grounds.